Light Blue is a cutting edge dashboard layout taking into account the one of a kind straightforward outline. There are few reasons why we made it:. 

We didn't prefer the haziness of a large portion of administrator formats, so we made this light one. 

We didn't prefer the gradualness of the vast majority of administrator formats, so we made this quick one. 

We didn't prefer the high complexity of a large portion of administrator formats, so we made this inconspicuous one. 

We scanned for an answer of how to make gadgets look like genuine gadgets, so we chose that profound foundation - is the thing that makes gadgets look genuine.

Light Blue works great with all range of devices: starting from small mobile to large desktop ones. Light Blue will make the development of your next web application or admin entrance for it much easier and faster. It is based on great Bootstrap framework, uses powerful Sass (CSS preprocessor) technology and makes page loading super fast with built-in ajax page-loader.
We plan to release continuous long term updates and dozens of new features will be coming soon in the future releases. Once you purchased Light Blue, you will be entitled to free download of all future updates.


Let's make Light Blue template better together! If you notice any bugs or you want some features to be implemented let us know! Email us at or tweet to okendokenn. We will do our best to help you.

Next Release Plan

  • Design Improvements
  • Your suggestions!

Full feature list

  • Light Design
    • Html5 Gradient Background
    • Unobtrusive colors and widgets
    • Option to select between two perfectly chosen background gradients
  • White & Transparent Versions
  • Fully Responsive Layout: from small mobile to large desktop devices.
  • Bower package manager
  • Grunt tasks
  • Print Optimized
  • 3 Sidebar Options
    • Sidebar can be shown or hidden
    • It can be placed on the left or right side
    • Iconic or Automatic representation
    • Sidebar state is controlled via localStorage
  • Developer Friendly
    • Sass powered styles
    • Lost of useful help classes
    • Easy to read and maintain code
  • Crossbrowser Support: tested in all major browsers
  • Easily Customizable Widgets
    • 6 background styles
    • 4 size options
  • Integrated Rickshaw and Nvd3 Chart Libraries Based on Powerful D3.js
    • Donut Chart
    • Stacked Area Chart
    • Bar Chart
    • Line Chart
    • Realtime Chart
  • Form Elements
    • Two Ready-to-Use Demo Forms: Account and Article
    • Form Markups
      • Default
      • Horizontal
      • Labels on Left
      • Condensed
    • Different Kinds of Text Inputs
    • Textareas
      • Elastic textarea with autogrow feature
      • Editor
    • Selects
      • Selects with search, groups and tagging
      • Bootstrap-like selects
    • On/Off Switches
    • Datepicker
    • Colorpicker
    • Masked inputs
    • Form Wizard
  • Statistic Elements
    • Metro-like Tiles
    • Progress Bars
    • Overview Widgets
  • User Interface Elements
    • Different Kinds of Buttons
      • Simple Buttons
      • Dropdowns
      • Button Groups
      • Button States
    • Dialogs
    • Icons
    • Tabs
    • Accordion
  • Components
    • Maps
      • Google Maps
      • Vector Maps
    • Google-like Calendar
    • Gallery
    • File Upload
  • Tables
    • Static
    • Dynamic (Sortable, Filterable, Editable and Validatable)
  • Special Pages' Concepts
    • Search Page
    • 404 Page
    • Login Page
    • Invoice Page
    • Inbox Page
    • Landing Page



DOWNLOAD BOOTSTRAP REACT is made utilizing most recent HTML5 and CSS3 characteristics, with responsive configuration meets expectations incredible in any gadget. Has a complete set of pages and peculiarities with bunches of choices and adaptability for your business or administration, startup, SaaS, and so on.

It's centered around straightforwardness, cool style and to be quick to redo for genuine utilization cases.

Assembled with SASS with an organizer structure that is composed, simple to begin and to include new stuff, incorporates great documentation and backing, in addition to the ordinary css record on the off chance that you favor.


  • Landing pages:
    • Home option 1: Static hero unit to display screenshots, some introduction text, call to action, etc.
    • Home option 2: A responsive slider easy to customize with lots of options.
    • Home option 3: Off-canvas menu with some parallax effect on the hero unit bg.
  • Features page showcasing several options
  • Services page to showcase more information
  • Pricing charts to show different packages or plans with FAQ and info
  • Comparison tables with even more options to show plans
  • About us
  • Contact us
  • Timeline page (New)
  • Invoice page (New)
  • Complete API Documentation page (New)
  • Coming Soon page (New)
  • 404 page with 1 alt (New)
  • Gallery with filtering and functional zoom-in zoom-out
  • Portfolio page
  • Portfolio item showcasing a project with a cool off-canvas menu
  • Status page to show availability and status reports of services to customers
  • Support page
  • Sign up
  • Sign in
  • Blog
  • Blog post

Coming up for future releases:

  • Search results
  • Email templates
  • Ecommerce (cart, product, catalog, my account, checkout)
  • New sections to use for the home pages (features, hero units, slides, etc)
  • Contact me if you'd want to see something else!


  • Update to latest Bootstrap version
  • Added a new more complete footer and 'Our clients' section to Home page and alts
  • Changed hero unit design from Home page
  • Changed slide styles and new option of a white navbar in Home page alt #2
  • Added Timeline page
  • Added Invoice page
  • Added a complete ready to use API Documentation page
  • Added Coming Soon page
  • Added 404 page with 1 alt
  • Added jquery validate plugin with example on Contact us form
  • Initial release


  • for all the bg pictures and such.
  • for background pictures.
  • for the user display pics.
  • for the animate.css library.
  • plugin.
  • for all the awesome resources for devices, mobile, browsers and such.
  • for cool resources and icons.
  • for the Flat Circle Icons found at
  • for FlipClock countdown plugin
  • for the jquery validate plugin



DOWNLOAD BOOTSTRAP FLATIFY is a completely responsive administrator web App constructed with AngularJS and Bootstrap. It uses Sass CSS which makes it simple to alter.


  • Responsive Design.
  • Web App (Single Page Application) Built with AngularJSFully AJAX powered, never refresh the entire page again. Faster, smoother.
  • Runnable Task Application. Try it out.
  • Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n) support. Add English, Español(Spanish), 日本語(Japanese), 中文(Chinese), Deutsch(German), français(French), Italiano(Italian), Portugal(Portuguese), Русский язык(Russian), 한국어(Korean) for demo.
  • Solid Workflow with Yeoman, dependencies (plugins) managment with Twitter Bower, tasks automation with Grunt just like Twitter Bootstrap project , make all things organised.
  • Realtime Form Validation.
  • Build with Sass CSS (Scss files are included). Easy modification with variables.
  • Multiple Colors Support, you can build your own by change a few variables.
  • Light Weight.
  • Built with Bootstrap 3.
  • Valid HTML5 and CSS3
  • Cross Browsers
  • And much more.


  • Bootstrap The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
  • jQuery write less, do more.
  • AngularJS HTML enhanced for web Apps!
  • angular-bootstrap Native AngularJS (Angular) directives for Twitter's Bootstrap.
  • YeomanTwitter BowerGrunt for modern web Apps.
  • Font Awesome the awesome icon fonts.
  • UnderscoreJS JavaScript's utility _ belt
  • Toastr Simple javascript toast notifications
  • bootstrap-slider simple range slider
  • bootstrap-file-input Standardizes the file input field to look like a Bootstrap button in all browsers
  • holderjs Holder renders image placeholders entirely on the client side.
  • jquery.easy-pie-chart a lightweight plugin to draw simple, animated pie charts for single values
  • morris.js Pretty time-series line graphs
  • flot Attractive JavaScript charts for jQuery
  • gauge.js 100% native and cool looking JavaScript gauge
  • jquery-spinner A Number-Spinner based-on jQuery, Support Keyboard operations and continuous changing.
  • jquery-steps A powerful jQuery wizard plugin that supports accessibility and HTML5.
  • depositphotos Royalty-Free Stock Photos
  • weather-icons Beautiful weather icons
  • textAngular A radically powerful Text-Editor/Wysiwyg editor for Angular.js!
  • flot.tooltip tooltip plugin for wonderful Flot plotting library


VERSION 1.3 (latest)
  • Feat: Upgrade ui-bootstrap to 0.12.x
  • Feat: Upgrade Bower packages to latest version. Including font-awesome (4.3.x), seiyria-bootstrap-slider (4.4.x), morris.js (0.5.x), textAngular (1.3.x), weather-icons (1.3.x)
  • Feat: Upgrade NPM packages to latest version
  • Feat: Update checkbox style
  • Feat: Add changelog
  • Fix: Update media component markup for bootstrap 3.3
  • Fix: Remove link focus underline style
  • Docs: Update documentation
  • Chore: Update task content
VERSION 1.2 (11/14/2014)
  • Feat: Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.3x
  • Feat: Update angular-ui Bootstrap to 0.11.x
  • Feat: Add loader
  • Feat: Upgrade "seiyria-bootstrap-slider" to latest version, i.e. 4.0.1
  • Feat: Upgrade weather-icons to latest version, i.e. 1.2.1
  • Feat: Upgrade Font-awesome, Toastr, jQuery steps to the latest version
  • Fix: Hide select arrow in Firefox 30+, thanks @calidae
  • Fix: Update table markup, remove buggy responsive table by Zurb
  • Chore: Update index.html to make it HTML5 valid
  • Chore: Allow you also to run it with "grunt serve"
  • Chore: Clean up
VERSION 1.1 (08/20/2014)
  • Feat: Upgrade Bootstrap to 3.2.x
  • Feat: Better radio, checkbox, select and rating
  • Feat: Add pricing table
  • Feat: Optimize timeline on mobile
  • Feat: Update font awesome to 4.1.x
  • Feat: Allow user to add plain JS in scripts folder
  • Fix: Fix morris tooltip overlay on sidebar menu bug
  • Fix: Fix a typo
  • Chore: Update tooltip, popover option to avoid weird shift
  • Chore: Update i18n data
  • Chore: Update table markup
  • Chore: Clean up blank page
VERSION 1.0.1 (05/20/2014)
  • Fix: Fix textAngular 404 error caused by its new version
  • Chore: Clean up bower.json file



DOWNLOAD BOOTSTRAP TREBLE Is one page responsive subject. We have made adaptable HTML5 design which will permit you to alter and conform Treble to your needs. 

Treble incorporates Ajax stacked pages, for instance Portfolio things. 

We have made Blog segment in the event that you need to broaden your site. With most recent web journal which is actualized in one page and Blog rundown separate design with blog entries. 

You can alter styles utilizing CSS3 or LESS. 

Great and nitty gritty documentation is prepared in bootstrap style composed. 

We have additionally included PSD records to accelerate you inventive methodology.


Current version: 1.1.
Date: November 2013
  • Enhancement: Allow adding more then one Twitter feed
  • Enhancement: Change identification of page from Id to Class
  • Enhancement: Add source code for plugins
  • Enhancement: Clean up Application JS
  • Enhancement: MixItUp plugin update
  • Enhancement: Update for fixedonlater
  • Bug: Problem with JS not working when transferred to live server.
  • Bug: Add check for testimonials carousel.
  • Bug: Page Twitter - Background is not "cover"
  • Bug: Centralize function to be updated
  • Task: Update documentation
  • View 1.1 changelog


  • Ajax functionality
    • Portfolio more
    • Portfolio details / full width
  • Blog
    • Blog list
    • Blog post
    • Blog comments
    • Blog navigation
  • Parallax effects
  • Transition / hover effects
  • Fixed header
  • Crossbrowser compatible
  • Twitter (pull request integrated with caching and API 1.1)
  • Icons set by Treble
  • Responsive.
    • Desktop (1200px+, 979px)
    • Tablet (768px - 979px)
    • Mobile (767px, 480px, Fluid)
  • 5 new Base CSS elements
  • 2 new Components
  • 7 new Plugins


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • LESS
  • JS - jQuery
  • Bootstrap 2.3.2


  • Open Sans Google Font
  • Chunkfive webfont


  • Full design in PSD format ready to use.


  • Good and detailed documentation is ready in bootstrap style written.


  • Sorry this template doesn't include support.


  • Apache server (for Ajax loading of portfolio pages)
  • PHP (Twitter required)

Credits and Licences

Note: Artworks are used only for preview purposes! It’s forbidden to use or distribute without author’s permission.
Glyphicons Free
  • Glyphicons Free licensed under CC BY 3.0.
  • licensed under CC0.

  • Vimeo

  • Google fonts
  • Chunk Five

  • jQuery. Code licensed under MIT Licence
  • Twitter bootstrap. Code licensed under Apache License v2.0.
  • Twitter bootstrap documentation. Documentation licenced under CC BY 3.0.
  • Less CSS. Code licensed under Apache License v2.0.
  • BxSlider. Code licensed under MIT License.
  • Hash Loader. Code licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).
  • Mix It Up. Info More information can be found
  • One Page Nav Plugin. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. Uses the same license as jQuery, Licence
  • Parallax. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. MIT Licence and GPL.
  • Responsive Videos. Code licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).
  • ScrollTo. Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. MIT Licence and GPL.
  • Tweet. Free of charge.
  • Centralize. Code licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).
  • Fixed On Later. Code licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0).