[DOWNLOAD] Emerald Admin. Responsive, Motion Based. |
Push your web solution 12 months into the future with Emerald Admin, a one of a kind, state of the art, responsive, multipurpose admin and front-end toolkit.
- August rush discount:
- Single Application License: $18 instead $25
- Multiple Applications License: $50 instead $125
- Extended License: $700 instead $1000
- If you have purchased Emerald you can re-download all updates anytime, at no extra cost, by visiting this link: https://wrapbootstrap.com/support/download-resender
- Send any bug reports at https://wrapbootstrap.com/user/emeralddesign
Amaze your users with Emerald’s authentic motion-based interactions andmeaningful transitions. Our gorgeous post-flat design, extremely polished pixel-perfect finishes and delightful details, will make your product stand out.
Save tons of money and developer time by using the Emerald’s pre-built widgets, layouts, elements, components, pages and more. They come with extensive documentation and implementation examples.
Based on the latest and greatest Bootstrap 3.2.0, Emerald will always stay up to date using it’s separated concerns modular architecture.
It’s not just Bootstrap, we have also over 50+ plugins integrated in our look and feel ranging from select box enhancers to third party UI frameworks, so you don’t have to. Just for emerald, we also built 10 more custom crafted plugins that give Emerald it’s unique feel.
It’s not just Bootstrap, we have also over 50+ plugins integrated in our look and feel ranging from select box enhancers to third party UI frameworks, so you don’t have to. Just for emerald, we also built 10 more custom crafted plugins that give Emerald it’s unique feel.
Emerald is so easy to use, anyone can do it! Just use the already known Bootstrap classes and conventions. The custom components in Emerald come with simple jQuery based API’s that you like at Bootstrap, nothing complicated here! Angular.js is also made a first-class citizen, it’s users can easily tap into the power of Emerald by using the jQuery Passthrough plugin from AngularUI project.
1.1.0 - 27 July, 2014
- improve documentation
- decouple init and demo scripts in js
- improved docs
- make panel and turbocards interfaces more public
- fix ie9 404 after reset local storage
- fix ie9 push offcanvas
- fix ie9 navbar height
- fix bg after splash
- fix sidebar popover not closing sometimes
- add sample actionable modal
- Rename _tabdrop.css to _tabdrop.scss, otherwise not found by SASS
- allow variables overrides
- fix rich editor image dialog
- fix Jcrop gif path issue
- make chat closing more obvious
- fix nestable dragging background issue
- updated outdated panel docs
- fixed user_box_status widget collapsing
- fixed the offcanvas menu when partial and fixed
- added teh #emvars div in the offcanvas's layout
1.0.0 (Initial launch) - 20 July, 2014
Custom-made UI Plugins
- Off-canvas drawers with state persistence via localStorage with fallbacks to other available stores
- Turbo-cards (they flip to full page in a intriguing manner)
- Captionable cards (interact on hover in delightful ways)
- Actionable cards (the provide motion-based action feedback)
- Nestable tree
- Panels (portlets)
- Class selector
- Dropdown submenu
- Jump-to style big menu
- Grow-and-shrink popovers
- Selectize x-editable integration
- Panels-integrated navigation
- JS Media queries tool
Integrated form plugins
- Floating input labels
- Extended file inputs, including Dropzone
- Sliders - horizontal and vertical
- Fancy styled checkbxes, radios
- Toggle switches
- Selectize inputs (more usable and more functionality than browser select inputs) including multi-select, tags select, multiple columns select. A superior solution compared to Chosen or Select2.
- Image crop interface (for avatars and such)
- Rich text editor
- Markdown editor
- Knob inputs
- Rating inputs
- Full range X-Editable with Selectize integration
- Date picker inputs
- DateTime picker inputs
- Time picker inputs
- Date range picker inputs
- Input feedbacks as well as input headers
- Textarea autosize
- Full jQuery UI integration (datepicker, slider, etc)
- Bootstrap tabs responsive extensions
Charts and graphs
- Flot graphs
- Easy pie chars
- Knob charts
- Sparklines
- DataTables - client-side sortable, paginatable etc
- Floating headers - see the header no matter the scroll level
- Responsive bootstrap tables (scroll based)
- Responsive row-to-block tables
- Responsive layout-based tables
- Can be rearranged (sortable, portlet style)
- Can be closed
- It’s look customized by users via class selector
- Can be collapsed
- Can be toggled full-screen
- Full client-side state persistence via localStorage with fallbacks to other available stores
- Timeline
- Chat - based on off-canvas sliding interactions
- Gallery - google-images style
- Calendar - Fullcalendar v2.0 (latest)
- Wizard
- Sign in
- Sign up
- Lock screen
- User profile
- Albums
- Invoices
- Pricing
- Inbox