[DOWNLOAD] MStone - Resume Portfolio |
MStone - minimalist, multipurpose CV/Resume & portfolio template. Clean code and flat design. Available in 2 versions. Use this template for presenting yourself.
New update v1.2
- Fixed navigation
- Updated Bootstrap to 3.3
- E-mail validation
- Text rotator
- Responsive Layout
- Retina ready Icons
- Fullscreen Slideshow Background
- Fullscreen Single Image Background
- Google web fonts
- Easily Customizable
- CSS Animation
- Touch carousel slider
- Well documented
- Working AJAX contact form
- Built with Bootstrap 3.3
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Logotypes
- jQuery Waypoints
- jQuery Simple-text-rotator
- jQuery countTo
- jQuery Fitvids
- SmoothScroll v0.9.9
- Backstretch - v2.0.4
- Google Fonts
- Fontawesome
- Animate.css
- Background images unsplash.com & picjumbo.com
- Preload image