[DOWNLOAD] Whitemin Admin Template

[DOWNLOAD] Whitemin Admin Template

Whitemin Showcase
  • Fully Responsivefluid admin template
  • Works on any PC / MAC systems, phones and tablets
  • ERB templates
  • Static HTML site included!
  • Built with Middleman
  • Contains new controls, and redesigned existing controls
  • Contains new HTML/Javascript components
  • Uses SCSS as a basis for styling (a CSS build is also included)
  • It has many mixins and helpers created with Compass
  • Includes Documentation
  • EASY styling


  • Bootstrap 2.2.1
  • jQuery 1.8.2
  • jQuery UI 1.9.2
  • FontAwesome Icons
  • OpenWeb Icons
  • Charts - jQuery Flot Charts
  • Circle stats - jQuery Knob
  • Selects and multimple selects - jQuery Chosen
  • Gauges - justGage
  • Map - jQueryVectorMap
  • Image gallery - Bootstrap-gallery
  • Tags - Bootstrap-tags
  • Growl notifications - Gritter
  • Full featured calendar - jQuery FullCalendar
  • Dynamic tables - jQuery DataTables
  • Customized pagination - jQuery simplePagination

Sample Pages

  • Image Gallery
  • Login/Register Page
  • Pricing Plans Page
  • Reports Page
  • 404 Error Page
  • FAQ Page with Search feature
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Widgets: task list, recent comments, user activity and many stats tools.


  • Firefox 4+
  • Latest Chrome
  • Latest Safari
  • Internet Explorer 9
  • Opera 11


  • v 1.0 - Initial release
  • v 1.1 - Update to Bootstrap 2.2.2 and jQuery 1.8.3
  • v 1.2 - Top-right dropdowns fix, file reorganization

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