Latest version 2.0
AngularJS version
AngularJS has as main advantage that you can separate your web application into views and load them separately, keeping the site source lightweight and modular. The page index just loads with a few tags and assets, the rest is handled by the Angular application.
jQuery version
Angle also includes a static jQuery version for easy integration with other frameworks. We have included two projects for VS MVC5 and Ruby on Rails with Heroku support.
MEAN.JS is a full-stack JavaScript solution that helps you build fast, robust and maintainble production web applications using MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js. This version is ready to work with LESS, modularized Javascript and Swig templates. It also supports translation and Lazy load assets and featuring Yeomanthat will make your MEAN application development easier and way more fun.
Ruby on Rails
This theme include a ready to use Ruby on Rails application with modular Javascript and SASS stylesheets. Developed to serve assets per controller to avoid bloating view with unnecessary requests.
It is also ready to deploy to Heroku with just one change. See Demo
It is also ready to deploy to Heroku with just one change. See Demo
MVC5 version has been developed using Visual Studio 2013. It includes modular Javascript and all assets bundle to easy include on each view only what is necessary.
This project also includes a basic Entity using the theme components.
This project also includes a basic Entity using the theme components.
Seed projects and Documentation
All version includes Seed projects, an application skeleton for a typical web app that you can use to quickly bootstrap your next webapp projects and dev environment. Each version also includes their respective documentation to help you start easily with your next project.
Frontpage Features
- Bootstrap 3
- Fullscreen video background
- Touch carousel with Lightbox
- Plan tables
- Website preloader
- Page element animations
- Smooth scroll
- Sticky and auto hiding navbar
- Font Awesome icons
- Retina ready
- Responsive design
- Crossbrowser (IE9+)
- Gulp build system (JADE, LESS)
- Bower managed dependencies
Angular Backend Features
- AngularJS 1.3.x + AngularUI
- BootstrapUI 3.3.2
- Bower managed dependencies
- Seed project included
- Pure CSS3 Page Transitions
- Angular UI Router (with nested states)
- Loading Bar
- Ready for translation
- i18n languages support
- Translation loaded from JSON
- RTL Support
- Lazy Load scripts and styles
- Sortable
- Nestable
- Tree view control
- Icons
- Font Awesome 4 (+400 Retina Ready)
- Weather Icons
- Sidebar
- Loads dinamically from JSON config
- Condensed and Offcanvas
- Forms
- UI Extended
- Validation ready
- File upload (php script included)
- Wizard with validation
- Markdown Editor with preview and fullscreen
- uiSelect
- XEditable
- Image Crop
- Mobile fast click
- Widgets utility classes
- Masonry Grid (css3 columns with fallback)
- CSS3 Spinners
- Fullscreen toggle
- jQuery powered
- Panels & Portlets (with autosave)
- ngDialog
- Markdown based documentation
- Maps
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Tables
- ngTables (with ajax/json)
- Datatables Integrated with Bootstrap styles
- XEditable
- Charts
- Flot Charts (loads from json)
- Sparkline
- CSS3 Radial Progress bar
- Animated Radial Loader
- Extra Pages
- Login
- Register
- Recover password
- Lock screen
- 404 Not Found
- Extra Designs
- Mailbox
- FullCalendar
- Timeline
- Search results
- Invoice (print ready)
- Todo List
- Profile
- Code Editor
- In-app Settings (with autosave)
- Easily themeable
- Multiple layout options
- +25 directives
- CSS optimized for print
- Crossbrowser (IE9+)
- Fully Responsive and Mobile optimized
- Mobile first components
- LESS & JADE source (Node Gulp file included)
- Well commented code
- Precise documentation
jQuery Backend features
- Bootstrap 3.3.1
- Bower managed dependencies
- Seed project included
- Ready for translation
- i18n languages support
- Translation loaded from JSON
- RTL Support
- *Specific assets per page
- Icons
- Font Awesome 4 (+400 Retina Ready)
- Weather Icons
- Sidebar Condensed and Offcanvas
- Sortable
- Nestable
- Forms
- UI Extended
- Validation ready
- Widgets utility classes
- Masonry Grid (css3 columns with fallback)
- CSS3 Spinners
- Fullscreen toggle
- jQuery powered
- Panels & Portlets (with autosave)
- Markdown based documentation
- Maps
- Google Map
- Vector Map
- Datatables Integrated with Bootstrap styles
- jqGrid
- Charts
- Flot Charts
- Sparkline
- CSS3 Radial Progress bar
- Animated Radial Loader
- Extra Pages
- Login
- Register
- Recover password
- Lock screen
- 404 Not Found
- Extra Designs
- Mailbox
- FullCalendar
- Timeline
- Search results
- Invoice (print ready)
- Todo List
- Profile
- In-app Settings (with autosave)
- Easily themeable
- Multiple layout options
- Crossbrowser (IE9+)
- Fully Responsive and Mobile optimized
- Mobile first components
- LESS & JADE source (Node Gulp file included)
- Well commented code
- Precise documentation
Free Updates
After purchase get updates for free! Just redownload the latest version via Download Resender
- Angular
- Angular Docs
- ocLazyLoad
- uiRouter
- uiTranslate
- uiBootstrap
- Toaster
- Angular Loading Bar
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Fastclick
- Animo
- Animate.css
- Chosen
- Codemirror
- BS Datetime Picker
- BS Filestyle
- FlotCharts
- gMap
- Marked
- ClassyLoader
- CSSRadialBar
- Modernizr
- MomentJs
- Parsley
- Bootstrap Slider
- Sparkline
- BS Tags Input
- slimSCroll
- DataTables
- FullCalendar
- CsSpinner
- InputMask
- BS Wizard
- jVectorMap
- FlatDoc
- jQueryUI
- UiKit Upload
- UiKit Notify
- UiKit MarkdownArea
Demo images