[DOWNLOAD] Bootstrap Real Estate |
Bootstrap Real Estate is a professional template for selling properties. It's also very easy to change the images of this template to transform it into a hotel website, car selling website or even a local classified website. It's designed entirely using Bootstrap. It's compatible with any of the themes from http://bootswatch.com/. You can also easily add and remove components as it's based on the Bootstrap framework.
The theme also makes use of a carousel plugin and also uses google maps API to show locations. If you want to make your own real estate website, there's little else you could want.
Goodies included
- Dropdown login and registration boxes
- Google maps integration with custom bootstrap tooltips
- Integrated carousel
- Integrated Super sexy iOS style badges (Badger)
- Integrated simple notification system (Sticky)
- Property listings
- Property map
- Property comparison
- Property profile page
- Product listings
- Contact us
- Compatible with Bootstrap 3
- Uses Bootstrap 3.1.1
- Included LESS files to easily change colours
- Written in valid HTML5 that makes good use of proper semantics
- Theme modifications are stored in a separate CSS stylesheet to make upgrading easy
- Includes jQuery 1.11.0 and the plugins portamento, owl-carousel, badger, sticky
- Firefox 4+
- Latest Chrome
- Latest Safari
- Internet Explorer 9+
- Opera 11
- Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com/
- Bootswatch - http://bootswatch.com/
- jQuery - http://jquery.com/
- Sticky - http://thrivingkings.com/sticky/
- Badger - http://thrivingkings.com/badger/
- OWL Carousel - http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/
- Portamento - http://simianstudios.com/portamento/
- Images taken from iconspedia.com and sxc.hu
- Property images taken from zoopla.co.uk and rightmove.co.uk